What To Do With Patches: 15 Unique Ideas

Wondering what to do with patches and how you can incorporate them more in your fashion? Check out our 15 unique ideas to get started today.


You can patch that hole in your favorite fabrics with one of these ideas.

Don’t throw away your clothes because of holes or fixable problems. According to the EPA, US landfills received roughly eleven million tons of MSW textiles in the year 2017 alone. You can reduce that amount by doing your part.

You don’t have to waste money when you can upcycle your clothes by adding new details. Keep reading to learn what to do with patches. Here are fifteen unique ideas to start doing with your patches!

1. Superhero Peek

If you’re a fan of superheroes, a good idea would be to choose your favorite and patch a hole with it.

All you have to do is decide which one you’re going to stitch inside to greet everyone who notices it. When you’re finished, it should look like the character is peeking through the hole.

2. Hippie Love

You can throw it back to the 60s by choosing patches that remind you of the hippie movement.

These symbols can be peace signs, trees, hearts, flowers, fists, or flowers. You can pair your patches with bellbottom jeans for more of a hippie look, or a brown vest.

3. Rocker Vibes

If you’re a fan of rock and roll, choose patches that give off a rocker vibe.

Patches and studs will give your clothes a rebel vibe that looks like it came from the 80s. You can use your favorite bands’ logos as patches, patch a leather jacket, or pair your patched clothes with a band tee to complete the look.

4. Simplicity

If you’re not one for busy clothes, you can add one small patch in the right place.

Try placing one on your chest, on your hem, or someplace else. The trick is to keep it simple and choose one that best represents you and your style.

5. Patch Jackets

You don’t need to patch denim if you don’t want to.

You can add patches to military jackets, tweed coats, and sweaters if you’d like. You’ll be able to show off your personality with the patches, but remove them when you’re in your business or fine dining restaurant.

6. Busy Pants

If you’re a big fan of patches, by all means, go crazy. You can assemble an entire superhero team on one pair of pants, or combine your favorite patches onto any item of clothing. There are no rules when it comes to patching, allow your personality to shine through when designing.

7. Phone Case

You can carry your patches with you even when you can’t wear them proudly by adding them to your phone case. Patching your case won’t require an iron or sewing skills, only glue. This is a quick and easy way to showcase the things you like easily and charmingly.

8. Shoes

Patches on shoes are uncommon but they’re worth a try.

You can sew, iron, or glue them to your boots, sneakers, or converse. Soon, you’ll be marching to the beat of your own drum in a style that screams your name.

9. Backpack

Your backpack is a great place to add your patches and show off your favorite things.

You can share your favorite quotes, characters, and other images. Patches your backpack can be a great conversation starter.

10. Patch Skirts

You can add a little something extra to your skirts.

Denim with or without a hole, a plain black or white mini, and a maxi skirt could all use a unique patch. The longer the skirt, the more patches you can add.

11. In Pockets

If you’re looking at a hole that peeks into your pocket, consider adding a patch to seal it.

You can combine ideas from this list for inspiration. You can add these to the back or the front of your clothes.

12. On Jewelry

A unique idea is to add a patch to necklaces and bracelets.

The nice thing is that nobody else will have what you have exactly. You can find small options to create what you want easily with glue.

13. Vests

Whether you’re creating a rock and roll look, or you just like vests, you can add a little something special with a patch.

Consider looking at other ideas for inspiration so you don’t look like a scout. If you like the ranger look, you can add patches to represent conservation.

14. Handbags

Your handbag is another place you can wear a patch without putting yourself on display.

Coordinate multiple patches to work with one another, or choose one bold statement. Adding patches to handbags is a good way to show your personality while at work or out on the town.

15. Florals

Floral patches can add a touch of softness to your style.

You can add flowers to your sleeves, pants, or items you carry daily. If you’re a fan of gardens, this is a great way to express that visually.

More Ideas For What to Do With Patches

There are many ideas for what to do with patches, they couldn’t all be named in one list. Some other ideas are the following:

  • Comic images
  • Coordinate with a loved one
  • Aliens
  • Holiday-themed
  • School spirit
  • Family name
  • Numbers
  • Clubs and organizations

No matter what you choose, there’s a patch available that can express your personality. Patches4less.com has top-quality patches at an affordable price. You can click the link to view styles, prices, designing, and more.

Your Personality and Your Fashion

Fashion can be used to express yourself to the world before you ever state your name. Patches are a great way to not only repair your clothes but to add your personality to everyday attire. You can use these fifteen unique ideas to help you decide what to do with patches.

Fashion isn’t one size fits all, so don’t be afraid to change it up. If you liked what you read here and you want more fashion tips, you can explore our site longer. You’ll learn more ways to upgrade your style to match your personality better.