Supremely Silky: 11 Hacks for Styling Fine Hair

Hair has several functions. Not only does it protect the skin, but it also helps to control our body temperature

And as you probably know, there are many different types. For example, someone can have straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair, or coily. At the end of the day, it depends on the shape of the hair follicle, which is mostly determined by genetics.

Do you have fine hair? Looking for some tips on how to style it? If so, you’re on the right page. We’ll be sharing some tips and products for fine hair below.

Find out what they are by reading the rest of the post!

What Is Considered to be Fine Hair? 

“Fine” hair refers to the thickness of the strands. That is, each individual strand has a small diameter (usually 50 microns) compared to other types of hair.

It’s important to note, however, that it is not the same as “thin” hair, which refers to the density of the follicles (i.e. how close the strands are to each other).

11 Tips and Products For Fine Hair

Fine hair can be difficult to style sometimes. With that said, it’s not impossible. Here are some tips!

1. Be Careful With Conditioner 

It’s important to use a conditioner when you’re washing your hair. Not only will it rehydrate the strands but it’ll also replenish nutrients.

With that said, you never want to apply it directly to your scalp—that will only make your hair look greasy within a few hours. What you want to do instead, is to spread it evenly on the ends of your hair.

2. Don’t Sleep On Wet Hair

Avoid sleeping on wet hair. Chances are, you’ll end up with weird cowlicks and kinks in the morning, which can be difficult to get rid of.

There are exceptions, though. For example, you can pull your damp hair into a bun or topknot—that can actually give it a bit of a volume boost. 

3. Consider Getting Highlights 

Believe it or not but highlights can actually add texture and volume to your hair. For one thing, it roughs up the cuticle, which can make it hold a voluminous style longer.

Just remember not to overdo it, otherwise, you can end up damaging your hair. If possible, try to use a plant-based hair dye.

4. Make Use of a Blow Dryer 

Most volumizing products require you to activate them with heat. In other words, you’ll have to use a blow dryer.

For the best results, flip your head upside-down when you’re drying your hair—that will lift the roots and add volume. Once it’s mostly dry, you can flip back over and blow-dry with a round brush.

5. Don’t Use Too Much Styling Foam 

Styling foam can give your hair a lift. It’s important, however, that you don’t use too much, otherwise, it can have the opposite effect. For one thing, it can glue your hair together and make it heavier.

How much should you use? It depends on the length of your hair. For example, the foam should be the size of a walnut if you’re styling short hair.

6. Use Dry Shampoo 

Don’t have time to wash your hair? Consider using dry shampoo. If anything, it can be a lifesaver. For the best results, spray it four to six inches away from your hair.

Not only will it remove dirt from your roots, but it’ll also help lift them, giving your hair more volume in the process.

7. Use Hot Rollers 

Using hot rollers is a great way to get some extra volume in your hair. If you can, try to spray your hair with a volumizing tonic before setting.

From there, you can apply a firm-hold hair spray to your hair once the rollers have cooled. 

8. Avoid Layers If Possible

Avoid getting a layered cut if you have fine hair. Chances are, it’ll only make your hair appear thinner and sparser.

If you must get layers, keep it minimal; it also helps to keep the hair long. When in doubt, you can always ask your hairstylist for advice.

9. Consider Taking a Multivitamin

There are various vitamins that you can take for your hair. While they won’t thicken your hair overnight, they can make it stronger and healthier.

For example, you can take a women’s multivitamin. That way, you’ll get all the vitamins that you need for optimal hair growth.

10. Backcomb Your Hair 

Backcombing your hair at the crown can give it more height. To do this, lift your hair in small sections. From there, comb straight up and down with a fine-tooth plastic comb.

When you’re finished, spray your hair with a dry shampoo. To hide the teasing, comb the hair down on the top lightly.

11. Don’t Wash Your Hair Every Day 

Avoid washing your hair every day—that can cause excess oil, which can emphasize the fineness of your hair.

So try to leave your hair longer between washes. For example, you can wash it every couple of days (feel free to use dry shampoo in between).

Styling Your Hair 

And there you have it—11 styling tips and products for fine hair. As you can see, there are various things that you can do to give your hair a boost!