Understanding Preppy from Other People’s Perspectives

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Preppy or prep is a subculture in the US that is often associated with private universities and preparatory schools. It’s not just a style but also a lifestyle. Some people like the style, some people hate the style. We’ve searched far and wide on the world wide web and tried to gather information of why people just love or hate the fashion and the lifestyle. And why do some people hate preppy human beings? And why are they dressed like that?

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“Prep fashion started out as a way to say “f— you” through conservative clothing at preparatory schools. Go see the book “Take Ivy” to see how real prep is done.”

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“I think of it mostly as dress, but perhaps an overly peppy attitude goes with it. If a college’s students have a preppy look, all of them look as if they spent some time in front of the mirror before they left the house.”

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“Well I do know that preps come from money. But I mean so did I. I attended private school all throughout my life. We vacationed on Nantucket. I mean we originated from the New England area. I have always dressed like this. As long as I can remember my parents putting me in clothes.”

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“To me, preppy is more than a fashion style of popped collars, khaki’s, and boat shoes. It’s when the style is accompanied by the attitude of:
–looking down at anyone different from you
–entitlement syndrome–I get what I want and this makes me better than you
–take money for granted because they’ve never had to break a sweat for it
–very bigoted—whether directly to your face or behind your back”

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“Socially confident/comfortable around all ages, impeccable manners, classic clothing style, lack of facial or tongue piercings or too many ear holes, etc., does some outdoor sport both male and female: sailing, tennis, skiing, lacrosse, golf, hiking and for the most part upbeat personality.
I don’t think it’s about “clothes” per se; I’ve met just as many dreadlocked preppy kids that wouldn’t be caught dead in topsiders as I have clean cut ones who live in topsiders. It’s more about lifestyle and values. New money is loud, in your face and not preppy. Old money is typically quieter, restrained and preppy.”

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“Preppy look isn’t bad at all. A lot of people who despise the look do so because they can’t pull it off with their unfit body. There is the stereotype that preppy kids = upper class popular white kids who are overly exquisite with their mannerisms and etiquette. However this is just stereotype and I think a lot of people actually respect this kind of style/look. Gives you that clean formal look while maintaining a modern vibe.”

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“If asked to select a political party associated with being preppy, I would answer wealthy Northeastern Democrats. So I think it is interesting that others have answered Republicans.
As my mother would have said “It doesn’t cost anything to pass a mirror on the way out of the house, tuck in your shirt, be tidy with your house, and be polite””

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“I dressed prep from birth throughout high school as it was basically mandatory due to the expectations of others and I don’t want to do that again, ever. I will incorporate prep elements but pure prep is dead to me.”

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“I think it really does depend on the region. The fashions do overlap, but not necessarily the attitude. In the South, I would absolutely agree with Republican, money is required (old or new), frat culture and a sense of entitlement assumed. In the North, it is either true old money (in which LL bean would be fine because it is functional and well-made, the mark of the original preppy brands), but the bow-tie, popped collar would be more for those that want to convey wealth that may not exist yet. In the Midwest, I see it as a fashion statement of the middle class where wealth and fashion no not coincide. In the South, I imagine Wake Forest. In the Midwest, I think DePauw or U of Notre Dame.”

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“Because not all of us come from white, upper-middle class families nor do we want to look like we’re trying to be someone who wants to look like they do. I came from an immigrant family, my father was a carpenter, and I would look ridiculous wearing a pastel sweater around my shoulders.”

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