First Date – Dinner Tips and Outfit Ideas for Men – Valentine’s Edition

This isn’t about how you should dress when you go hangout with your friends or a certain get together with a group of female friends.

Most first dates are casual but that doesn’t mean your outfit should be careless. If you’re going on a date with a woman —- dress like a man.

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Did you know that dressing well signifies that you have great social skills? Women don’t just look at how the conversation goes, but the way you converse with others as well.

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Women are obsessed with shoes – and not just their own. Your shoes will be criticized and you won’t even know it. Of course they won’t say it straight to your face. But if you like her so much that you want to have another date with her, wear nice ones. Like lace-ups or loafers.

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When it’s the first date, dress for the occasion. Don’t just rummage through your closet and find the first thing you have your hands on. Find an outfit you think looks good on you and something she’ll give you heart-eyes for being so good-looking.

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The main focus is to how you properly present yourself to a lady (who could be your life partner, but we don’t know about that YET).

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First impression will set the tone of your date – so it’s important you make a good one.

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Think of where you’ll be eating – is it a formal setting? An informal one? If you made reservations at a sophisticated restaurant, you should wear something that’s perfectly tailored and slim fitting. Also, don’t forget elegant dress shoes.

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When you’re going to a place that doesn’t require a suit, pick a nice blazer jacket.

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Make sure to avoid clothes that are dirty or wrinkled. Neatness is essential.

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And if you guys are just going to a fun and less formal environment, looking like a Hollywood star to grab some burgers and fries is not the way to go.

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Put your mobile on silent! Please. The last thing she needs is to hear that god-awful ringtone you’re friends set to make fun of you.

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Last thing – wear clothes that fit you. If your roommate has that cool jacket you’ve wanted but he’s twice your size, don’t wear it. If one of your goals is to get laid after your date, give her a realistic estimate of your dimensions underneath.